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Caring for your child’s future!
Myopia is a common condition that develops in early childhood or teenage years, where the eyeball is longer than normal and leads to the image being focused in front and away from the retina
When children develop myopia, the myopia tends to increase over time until about 25 years of age. This increase in myopia can eventually become high myopia, when the prescription reaches -5.00D or worse.
A child with myopia tends to see blur in the distance. This can make distance tasks more difficult, including seeing the board at school, playing sports, and watching TV.
When the myopia reaches this level, the risk of developing potentially sight-threatening complications increases exponentially. These sight-treathening complications include:
There are many reasons why your child may have myopia. Research suggests that myopia is largely associated with environmental or behavioral factors such as reduced time outdoors and increased near work. Also, If you were diagnosed with myopia, your child has a higher risk of having this condition as well.
New research has shown that we can slow the increase in myopia safely and effectively using optical treatments.
It is important to remember that myopia is a progressive condition. While single vision glasses may help your child to see, it will not stop the progression of myopia.
Myopia control and management, on the other hand, will not only improve your child’s vision but it could prevent other eye conditions that could impact them later in life.